
Cynthia Knight

Fashion Designer

Born from the vibrant tapestry of street style and high-fashion runways, our website is a homage to the dynamic world of textile artistry.

Initially conceived as a digital mood board for creatives, it has blossomed into a premier destination for professional designers, trendsetters, influencers, and their agents seeking inspiration and cutting-edge patterns. Celebrating a myriad of achievements, we’ve carved a niche within the fashion sphere, fostering a community where the love for distinctive patterns and bold designs reigns supreme. Join us in shaping the fabrics of tomorrow.

Fashion will always netus quis id odio amet nullam semper vitae porta quis massa risus ipsum felis est semper diam augue nunc fames vulputate enim vitae.​
The Philosophy

Curated collection of top-trending patterns for fashion-forward minds.